About me

I’m Patty Bennett, a life and leadership coach who transformed adversity into entrepreneurial success. Now, I empower Christian professional women to integrate personal growth with professional drive, leading them to thrive in both spheres.

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Patty’s story is at the heart of our mission. Rising from the shadows of near defeat, Patty has become an inspiration in entrepreneurial excellence. Her path from nearly homeless to standing among the top 2% of entrepreneurs is a vivid...

More About Patty:

My coaching practice is where a passion for empowering women intersects with a practical and integrative approach. I’m dedicated to guiding individuals on transformative journeys, helping them unlock their true potential and cultivate purposeful lives.

In my extensive career, I’ve worn various hats, from senior leadership roles to program director and leadership coach. Focusing on team building and leadership development, I’ve had the privilege of coaching and mentoring hundreds and hundreds of women. Along the way, I observed that unresolved emotional wounds often acted as stumbling blocks to their progress. By addressing these wounds, we not only removed barriers but also unlocked even greater levels of success. That’s why I decided to help women on their journey forward and directing the focus toward crafting the future you desire.

Drawing from this rich experience, I’ve developed the S.P.A.R.K framework for my one of my coaching programs. Rooted in empowerment and faith-based coaching, this framework places a strong emphasis on emotional resilience, spiritual formation and professional development.

My own journey of leadership, self-discovery and healing has been a profound transformation. It’s this personal experience that fuels my commitment to helping others uncover their full potential. I’m honored to accompany individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery, healing and professional development.

With my guidance, you can tap into your innate strength, resilience, and purpose. Together, we’ll build tools to help navigate life’s challenges and achieve remarkable personal growth. I invite you to join me on this transformative path toward living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Our founders "why"

"Family is at the core of my happiness, and moments spent with them, whether it’s the everyday routine or a vacation getaway, are the highlights of my life."


For over two decades, my journey in marriage has been guided by love, dedication, and the joy of raising three beautiful children. They are my “why,” the driving force behind my commitment to personal growth and spiritual formation. As a mother, I strive to be the best version of myself for them—a pillar of support as they blossom into extraordinary individuals.

Family is at the core of my happiness, and moments spent with them, whether it’s the everyday routine or a vacation getaway, are the highlights of my life. Alongside my human family, I share my home with an array of animals— two dog, two cats, a bunny, and a horse (at the barn), adding an extra layer of joy to our lives.

My personal relaxing time includes spa days and Jacuzzi time, where relaxation and self-care take center stage. Deep conversations, whether with family or friends, resonate with me, as does immersing myself in self-improvement books, podcasts, and webinars. These pursuits nourish my mind and spirit, contributing to my continuous journey of growth.

Last year’s scare served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life. This experience prompted a profound shift in prioritizing my health and well-being. I’ve become intentional about setting boundaries to safeguard my health, honoring what my body needs. It’s a commitment to myself and my loved ones—an acknowledgment that a healthy and vibrant me is the best gift I can offer.

Life’s twists and turns have only reinforced my belief in the importance of intentional living, cherishing family, embracing self-care, and continuously seeking personal and spiritual growth. Through it all, I am deeply grateful for the lessons, the love, and the journey that has shaped the person I am today.


  • Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling specialized in Life Coaching from Liberty University.

  • Bachelor’s in Biblical Counseling, graduating Magma Cum Lade

  • Certified and Licensed HeartMath Trainer

  • Certified Resilient Heart Trauma Sensitive Coach

  • Harvard Medical School – Psychiatry 2020

  • Certified Trauma-Informed Coach
  • Harvard Medical School – Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare

  • Certified and Licensed Christian DISC facilitator

  • Certified Symbis Relationship Coach facilitator

  • Certified Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ Coach Practitioner

  • Certified Mental Health Coach

  • Trauma Care Certification – Atlas

  • Certified Trauma Informed Equine Guided Life Coach